DVS Progressive Safe System

Required for all zero, one and two star rated vehicles operating in London.










Progressive Safe System (PSS)


The PSS aims to reduce the risk of accidents by improving vehicle awareness and providing indirect vision to drivers 
The PSS includes: 
  • A nearside detection system, also known as the Blind Spot Information System (BSIS), which alerts the driver to moving objects 
  • A front sensor detection system, also known as the Moving Off Information System (MOIS), which alerts the driver to moving objects 
  • A camera monitoring system to eliminate blind spots on the nearside of the vehicle and trailer 
  • An alarm strategy to alert the driver to the severity of a situation


DVS - Direct Vision Standard


The Direct Vision Standard (DVS) is a crucial safety regulation established by Transport for London (TfL), mandating that all heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) exceeding 12 tonnes must secure a safety permit to operate within Greater London.

Launched in March 2021, this initiative aims to bolster road safety for all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, and motorcyclists. The standard was revised to DVS Phase 2 in 2024.

The DVS prioritizes enhancing the visibility of vulnerable road users (VRUs) from the driver's perspective, with the objective of minimizing blind spots around HGVs, where the risk to pedestrians and cyclists is particularly pronounced.

As an integral part of the Mayor of London’s Vision Zero initiative—aimed at eradicating all fatalities and serious injuries on London’s transport network by 2041—the DVS plays a pivotal role.

Since its inception in March 2021, all vehicles over 12 tonnes (with certain exceptions) have been obligated to possess a DVS permit to operate within the DVS Zone. Non-compliance can lead to a £550 penalty imposed by TfL. 

Direct Vision Standard


Heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) over 12 tonnes with a star rating below 3 must be equipped with enhanced safety features. This marks a substantial expansion of the DVS scope from vehicles rated under 1 star.  Consequently, vehicles with these lower ratings must install a Progressive Safe System to comply with the  regulations.

To adhere to the DVS 2024 regulations, vehicles rated 0 to 2 stars are required to have a Progressive Safe System installed. These systems improve driver visibility of vulnerable road users in blind spots and reduce false alerts. Active smart systems should only trigger warnings when there is a genuine risk to pedestrians or cyclists, rather than for non-threatening objects such as street signs, furniture, or other vehicles. The systems must incorporate detection zones around the vehicle, providing varying levels of alerts from potential danger to imminent collision. Alerts should be reactive, notifying both the driver inside the cab and the vulnerable road user outside the vehicle. A key update in the new DVS standard is the requirement for detecting vulnerable road users in the vehicle’s front blind spots, referred to as Moving Off Information Systems (MOIS).

The Progressive Safe System complies with various standards, including those established by the European Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Specifically, it aligns with UNECE Regulation 151 for Blind Spot Information Systems (BSIS) and UNECE Regulation 159 for Moving Off Information Systems (MOIS).

It is fully compliant with DVS regulations and is available for purchase with installation by Amman CCTV Security System's Team

Direct Vision Standard - Star Ratings

All heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) over 12 tonnes are assigned a safety star rating by the manufacturer, which ranges from 0 stars (indicating the lowest level of safety) to 5 stars (indicating the highest level ). These ratings reflect the driver's visibility from the cab and evaluate the risk posed to vulnerable road users in proximity to the vehicle.

Under the 2021 Direct Vision Standard, vehicles rated at 0 stars are required to be equipped with a DVS Safe System to meet minimum safety standards and secure a permit.

As per the 2024 Direct Vision Standard, any vehicle with a star rating below 3 must be fitted with a DVS Progressive Safe System to comply with updated safety regulations.

Applying for a DVS permit


 DVS Permits can be applied through the TfL web portal.                       

 These are free of charge. Permits are also digital.

 Click here to apply for your permit. 

  • Photos of your vehicle showing the Safe System installed will need to uploaded . Specifications for these photos can be found on the application
  • Photos of your vehicle with the new Progressive Safe System installed will need to uploaded Specifications for these photos can also be found on the application.
  • You must provide a Sensor Functionality Statement. This is a document given by ACSS to their clients after PSS installations.


Vehicles rated between 3 to 5 stars are eligible to obtain a permit without the need for modifications. Additionally, existing permits for vehicles within this category will be automatically updated upon application.

In contrast, vehicles rated 0 to 2 stars must provide evidence of the installation of a Progressive Safe System to qualify for the Progressive Safe System 2024 Safety Permit.


Driving an HGV in London without a valid permit can result in a penalty charge notice (PCN) of up to £550, which is reduced to £275 if paid within 14 days.

Drivers may also face a £130 fine.

Transport for London (TfL) has the authority to revoke or suspend a permit if a vehicle is found to be in violation of the permit conditions



What components are included in the PSS?

The PSS includes the following components:

  • Left Turn Alarm (NC-LTA): audio that alerts pedestrians and cyclists when the vehicle is turning left.
  • BSIS & MOIS Radar System: Detects and distinguishes between stationary and moving objects.
  • Rugged 180 Degree Side Camera (NC906-180): Provides comprehensive nearside visibility.
  • Low Speed Pulse & Indicator Trigger (NC-SP-TM): Activates alerts based on vehicle speed and indicator usage.
  • 5 Metre Aviation Cable (NC-5M): Connects various components of the system.
  • 7 Inch Monitor (NC-MON-7): Displays camera feeds and alerts to the driver, featuring 2 AV inputs, 1 trigger, a speaker, and HDB.

Is there a charge when applying for a DVS permit?

Applying for a permit is completely free of charge! They are also digital.

Why do trucks require the PSS System?

 HGVs over 12 tonnes with a star rating below 3 stars must be equipped with additional safety features. This system reduces the risks of danger massively!